从13号就开始奔赴哈尔滨(cooooold)招聘。几年的整体招聘形势没有12年那么好,所以这次来招聘来的学生实力都比较强,一面人数在60人左右,个人估计录取比例1/5。据说最后录下的那十几个人中很多都是学霸,什么成绩排前20%保研推送啊都是浮云 =_=。一些学生的面试评论比较有意思,截取几个: 【(不通过)理由】呆不住。 【(不通过)理由】人较浮躁,电路讲解还好,但细节不注重,缺少思考。...
The favicons of Chirpy are placed in the directory assets/img/favicons/. You may want to replace them with your own. The following sections will guide you to create and replace the default favicons...
Prerequisites Follow the instructions in the Jekyll Docs to complete the installation of the basic environment. Git also needs to be installed. Installation Creating a New Site There are two wa...
This tutorial will guide you how to write a post in the Chirpy template, and it’s worth reading even if you’ve used Jekyll before, as many features require specific variables to be set. Naming and...
This post is to show Markdown syntax rendering on Chirpy, you can also use it as an example of writing. Now, let’s start looking at text and typography. Titles H1 - heading H2 - heading H3 - h...
前端电压调节 10*400pxl 档位(vdiv) 增益(gain) 衰减(atten) 偏置输入(adc_input) 偏置输出(adc_output) 偏置衰减(adc_atten) DAC输入 ±40mv 1 mv...